Flow Cytometry Method Validation
Flow cytometry is by nature the ideal tool to identify, characterize, and isolate stem cells for potential clinical use. A sample containing cells is suspended in a fluid and injected into the flow cytometer instrument. The sample is focused to ideally flow one cell at a time through a laser beam and the light scattered is characteristic to the cells and their components. Cells are often labeled with fluorescent markers so that light is first absorbed and then emitted in a band of wavelengths. Tens of thousands of cells can be quickly examined and the data gathered are processed by a computer.
Stem Cell Service
Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, promotes the repair response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells and their derivatives. This is the new chapter in organ transplantation and uses cells instead of donor organs which are limited in supply. Stem cells and derived products offer great promise for new medical treatments
Stem Cell Thawing
Stem cells from storage at a temperature of -80°C can be reused according to their needs without reducing the quality and the viability of the stem cell.
Freezing Cell
Stem cell that has been used will be frozen for later use. Freezing uses a temperature of -80°C so that the cell stays alive for a period of several years.
Stem Cell Characterization
Identification and characterization of stem cells can be a challenging and often evolving process. Stem cells not only must display the appropriate markers, but a healthy and robust stem cell population must also lack specific markers as well. To add to the complexity of this area of stem cell biology marker profiles change based on the species, site of origin, and maturity. Characterization of stem cell validation is a method to ensure the cultured stem cell suitable with the stem cells that are expected to treat the disease, including their plurypotency, contamination, and purity.
Stem Cell Isolation, Culture and Exploration
Stem cells are the roots from which different cell lineages arise, and they exist in multiple forms. Stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they can differentiate into every cell type in the body. Isolation of stem cells can be a delicate and multistep process whether from adult tissues (such as adipose, bone marrow, umbilical cord, amniotic membrane, etc) or whole blood. Protocols may also need to be adjusted based on the stem cell source or species. There are several basic techniques needed for the culturing of stem cells, including thawing frozen stocks, plating cells in culture vessels, changing media, passaging and cryopreservation.